Our Practitioners


Stacey Saunders

(Registered Chiropractor)
B.Sc.M.Chiro (Macquarie University)

Stacey is passionate about chiropractic. She completed a Bachelor of Science at Macquarie University (majoring in Anatomy and Physiology) before completing the postgraduate Master of Chiropractic, also at Macquarie University.  Stacey was recognised for her outstanding clinical and diagnostic skills, when she was awarded the Australian Chiropractors’ Association Award for Clinical Internship.

Stacey commenced her professional career working in a busy chiropractic practice in Leichhardt. She returned to the Northern Beaches in 2001 to establish her own practice, Coastal Chiropractic, which has now been providing high quality chiropractic care for nearly twenty years. Over this time, Stacey has shaped Coastal Chiropractic to be a practice catering to all ages and health conditions. She delights in treating all members of the family, including pregnant women, babies and children.  A person who values personal fitness, Stacey has a keen understanding of sportspersons, their injuries and how chiropractic care can support fitness and recovery from injury. 

Passionate about chiropractic professional development and research, Stacey has completed post graduate studies in Chiropractic Paediatrics, Functional Neurology, Sacro-Occipital Technique, Activator Method, Craniosacral Technique, NET, Webster Technique, Retained Primitive Reflexes and Dry Needling. Stacey draws on her multiple techniques and experience to provide treatment tailored to each patient’s age and health condition to restore optimum biomechanical and neurological integrity. 

Stacey keeps fit with ocean swimming, cross training and running and enjoys an active lifestyle on Sydney’s Northern Beaches with her husband and three children.

Linda Baak


(Registered Chiropractor)
B.Chiro.Sc.M.Chiro (Macquarie University)

Linda completed a Bachelor of Chiropractic Science and then a Master of Chiropractic at Macquarie University in 2004. Linda has extensive experience as a practicing chiropractor and also taught and lectured in chiropractic skills for six years at Macquarie University. She has worked in several different practices in Australia and also overseas. Linda ran her own chiropractic clinic, Lifestyle Chiropractic, for twelve years before joining the team at Coastal Chiropractic in 2019. 

Linda has undertaken considerable professional development in the areas of chiropractic treatment of children and pregnant women. With two children of her own, these areas are of particular interest to her.

Linda enjoys an active family life and in her spare time indulges her love of dancing, in particular classical ballet.

Alex Boakes


(Registered Chiropractor)
B.Chiro.Sc.M.Chiro (Macquarie University)

Alex is an enthusiastic and committed chiropractor who completed his Bachelor of Chiropractic Science and his postgraduate Master of Chiropractic at Macquarie University.

At Macquarie, he was fortunate to be mentored by many of the most respected chiropractors in Australia. As a practising chiropractor, Alex continues his professional development at every opportunity. Alex provides his patients with high quality care, including preventative and maintenance treatments and is particularly interested in treating people with sports injuries.

Alex has always resided on the Northern Beaches, is a keen sportsman and a great fan of sporting participation and involvement for people of all ages. With his own sporting experience in rugby league, rugby union, soccer and basketball, Alex has a deep understanding of the impact of sporting injuries on one’s everyday life. Most importantly, Alex knows the long term benefits of chiropractic care in the treatment of sporting injuries and the maintenance of a healthy body functioning at an optimal level.

Alex’s motivation to become a chiropractor stems from his own experience with a significant sporting injury to his lower back. After seeking treatment, without success, from a range of health professionals, Alex ‘discovered’ chiropractic. With excellent chiropractic care, Alex was able to return to competitive sport with his body moving optimally. He was inspired by the positive outcomes and the great benefits of chiropractic. It is these benefits that Alex seeks to provide to his own patients so that they can enjoy optimal health and well-being.


(Registered Chiropractor)
B.Chiro.Sc.M.Chiro (Macquarie University)

Janice is a passionate and committed Chiropractor who completed both her Bachelor of Chiropractic Science and Master of Chiropractic degrees at Macquarie University. Janice is focussed on providing high quality chiropractic care to each and every one of her patients. Skilled in the use of a range of chiropractic techniques, Janice includes soft tissue work, mobilisations and adjustments in her treatments and provides strength and rehabilitation care.

With her strong focus on achieving optimal long term results for her patients, Janice places a high value on patient education. She welcomes the opportunity to explain a patient’s chiropractic care and to provide advice tailored to each person’s circumstances.

A keen sportsperson in a range of sports, Janice has competed at national level in surf lifesaving and also enjoys netball, surfing, swimming, water polo, touch football and running. Janice’s experiences in a wide range of competitive sports have included several sporting injuries where she has had first-hand experience of the success of chiropractic care in supporting her own recovery from injury and establishing her long term sporting fitness. This breadth of experiences has contributed to Janice’s ability to recognise, treat and manage sport specific injuries, and to her strengths in musculoskeletal biomechanics and active rehabilitation.

Janice is Northern Beaches born and bred and looks forward to providing patients with high quality chiropractic care so they can enjoy a healthy, active lifestyle in this beautiful part of the world.